Frequently Asked Questions

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closed triangle General reptile info

closed triangle Reptiles as pets

open triangle Snakes

FAQ: Snakes
closed triangle What's the largest snake?
closed triangle Which snake is the world's deadliest?
open triangle Do snakes poo?

Yes! Snakes (and all reptiles, birds, amphibians, monotremes and marsupials) have a vent called a cloaca at the base of their tail that they use for defecation (that's the technical term for dropping a log). The cloaca is a single opening that they use for both excretion and reproduction. The frequency with which a snake needs to defecate will depend on how much it's been eating, and the temperature. Warmer temperatures and lots of food will mean they need to go more often than a snake at a lower temperature that doesn't eat very often.

Here's a photo of faeces from a captive carpet python. The brown part is undigested food; the captive python was fed rats, so there's a lot of rat fur in there. The white part is made up of uric acid. Snakes (and lizards) don't urinate the way mammals do. Instead, they get rid of their 'urine' in solid form. This means they don't have to use a lot of water to get rid of their waste.

photo of snake poo / snake faeces

closed triangle Turtles and tortoises

closed triangle Venom

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